Laser therapy

Our dental practice offers the use of a special laser in prophylaxis therapy. This will reduce the concentration of bacteria more effectively than professional tooth cleaning alone. Bacteria often remain deep in the gum pockets, where even a professional dental cleaning is not enough. These can cause discomfort even with very clean teeth. We can use the laser to treat these areas specifically and thus support periodontitis therapy.

Step 1: Professional tooth cleaning with laser therapy

Even in healthy people, plaque collects on the teeth. These increase the concentration of bacteria in the oral cavity. If they are not removed regularly, they can lead to serious problems. A professional dental cleaning (PZR) does not remove all bacteria. Although it removes plaque from the tooth, dangerous strains of bacteria often remain deeper in the gums. These can cause further damage there.

Regular dental visits and professional cleanings are crucial to fighting these bacteria. Your dentist or dental hygienist uses special techniques and instruments. This means that even stubborn bacteria in deep gum pockets can be effectively removed.

Support your oral health by practicing thorough oral hygiene at home. You can achieve this by brushing your teeth regularly and using dental floss. These measures significantly reduce the risk of gum inflammation and periodontitis.

Healthy oral hygiene is important for your teeth and your general well-being. Make regular appointments for a dental check-up and ask your dentist for advice on how to maintain optimal oral health. This will ensure that your teeth and gums remain healthy and that you keep a radiant smile.

Step 2: Laser treatment

As shown in the illustration, a special laser used in prophylaxis reduces the concentration of bacteria even deep in the gum pockets. This stops your gum disease. Plaque and bacteria form again after some time. It is advisable to have your dental health checked regularly as part of your prophylaxis.